An Analogous Color Scheme For a color scheme that helps to unify your painting, try analogous colors. Because the colors are next to each other on the color wheel they relate to each other harmoniously. Three to six colors is a good amount. Try drawing several squares in your sketchbook and, after wetting the area in the square, charge various analogous colors that you would like to try. For this painting I did two small studies before my final painting. I used red-violet, violet, blue violet, blue and blue-green. In the classroom at my Mendocino College watercolor class.
AuthorI have been an artist and craftsperson all my life. I have lived in Willits for over 30 years and am very active in the art community. I have been the recipient of several arts grants and artist residencies in the local schools. I have been teaching watercolor for Mendocino College for 16 years. Archives
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